Probably all of you remember with a warm, incredible thrill the wonderful poem of Petko Slaveykov - "Fountain of the Whitefoot", one of the most researched and commented works in Bulgarian literature, created way back in 1873.
Do you remember Gergana - the wonderfully beautiful Bulgarian woman whom the Grand Vizier of the Ottoman Empire met by the village spring, where he saw her washing. The Turk, deeply captivated by the whiteness of Gergana's legs, tries in every way to persuade her to follow him to Istanbul to become part of his harem. Gergana, for her part, refuses in every possible way, arguing, quite convincingly, that even if she goes with him, she would not love him as much as she loves her native land, her parents, and above all her lover - Nikola .
And so the vizier leaves her and lavishly grants her, impressed by her determination and wisdom!
But unfortunately, Gergana drowns - her health deteriorates and she dies, because her shadow is embedded in the fountain, which was later erected on the site of the village spring at the behest of the vizier.
Probably most of you, prompted by this beautiful story, have visited the fountain, built south of Harmanli on the road to Svilengrad, called "Fountain of the Whitefoot".
But surely many of you do not know about the "Gergana" fountain in the town of Zlatitsa – inspired by the beautiful poem by Slaveykova, which I will now tell you about.
It used to be an incredibly beautiful fountain, graceful and sensual, slender and delicate - like the "Fountain of the Whitefoot"!
I have passed by it dozens of times and I admit to myself that I stopped here only today - I stopped to look at it and enjoy it.
I sealed this image of her forever, which I now share with you.
Счува ся само дълбоко
цафарата му, тъмната,
тъжно да свири и тътне,
кога се вести Гергана,
там на чешмата седнала,
на месечинка да преде.
From Fountain of the Whitefoot
Petko Slaveikov
As then, when I looked at her in amazement, so now, when I write these lines, mixed feelings are raging in me - joy and sadness, astonishment and confusion.
I feel joy born from the beauty of the place and the aesthetics of the work!
I look at her and wonder how it is possible that there were such people - like the artist Georgi Zlatanov, creator of the "Gergana" fountain. The creator, like all of us, was deeply inspired by Slaveykov's poem and decided to create this fountain as a symbol of love, loyalty, the power of the Spirit and the beauty of Bulgaria!
And it succeeds!
I feel sad because of the current state of the fountain and the place.
To my great regret, one day only virtual sites like "Photo Moments" will preserve the memory of Bulgaria.
I am amazed because even today I feel the love!
Love with which this fountain was built!
This happened in 1963 in honor of the 90th anniversary of the creation of the poem.
The "Gergana" fountain was created exactly 60 years ago on the idea of the then mayor of the village, Dimitar Ovcharov, whose home is located a little further up the street.
It is made of river and red stone and concrete.
The images of Nicholas playing his tsafara* and Gergana spinning on the moon were sculpted by the artist in almost life-size, in half-relief.
*The tsafara is a small Balkan simple woodwind folk musical instrument similar to the kavala and the shepherd's whistle. It is equipped with six-finger holes, arranged consecutively along the length of the barrel, without resonator holes. The total length of the tsafarat is from 25 to 35 centimeters, but sometimes it can reach up to 50 centimeters. The outer diameter is about 2 centimeters, and the wall thickness is 2 millimeters. The mouthpiece at the front end is tapered on the inner edge, which is why the tzafara is held slightly to the side when played. The lack of a squeal creates difficulties for beginners, as it requires serious playing skill.
The tsafarata has limited technical capabilities in a diatonic major scale with a volume of a maximum of two octaves. The sound is louder than that of the kavala. It is used as a solo instrument and is part of the group of wind instruments in the folk orchestra.
The tool is relatively easy to make and therefore has been widely used in the past. In the beginning, it was made from a young elder, the soft core of which is easily removed. But the veneer made of this material is extremely short-lived, because it cracks when the wood dries. Later, it was made from wood species with better quality wood - ash, dogwood, sycamore, hornbeam, etc. To protect the wooden parts in the past, impregnation with oil or grease was used, and in our time - by immersion in special solutions. The barrel is made of wood, metal or plastic. The metal barrel is resistant to mechanical damage and weathering, but it is much heavier and more difficult to process.
The tsafarata is distributed in several Balkan countries - Bulgaria, Greece, North Macedonia, Albania and the south-eastern territories of Serbia.
With the construction of the fountain, the name of the locality - Gergana - gradually entered the toponymy** of Zlatitsa.
**Toponymy is a science, part of onomastics, dealing with the meaning and names of geographical objects that have an essential role in people's lives and through which they orient themselves in the world around them.
The task of toponymy is to collect, classify and reveal the regularities related to the occurrence of the specific names of the objects.
Georgi Zlatanov is an extremely talented artist, who left behind hundreds of paintings, but also a good sculptor - a well-rounded personality. He plays the violin wonderfully, for many years he participated in the folk orchestra of the community center, playing the tambourine. Few people today remember that he was the author of the projects and the construction of several more fountains in Zlatitsa.
Fountain of the Whitefoot
Petko Slaveikov
Помежду Ибинча и Харманлии на пътя има една чешма, която ся казва "Ак балдър чешмеси", за нея живее в народът следующето предание:
Видиш ли долу в полето,
дет ся мержеят, чернеят
дестина дръвя върбови?
Там било село Бисерча
в стари години, отколе,
там се родила, живяла
мамина мила Гергана.
Гергана, пиле шарено,
Гергана, кротко агненце,
кат бисер между мъниста
тя била между момите;
първо ѝ либе Никола —
вакло огиче пред стадо
помежду селски ергени!
Гергана още Никола,
двамата лика-прилика,
като два стърка аглика,
двамата млади, зелени,
един за други родени,
един у други влибени,
влибени вярно, примерно.
Либил Никола Гергана,
либил я и я задирял:
заран и вечер по извор,
по хора всяка неделя,
по тлъки всяка прилука
и по седенки всяка нощ.
Било то вече посреднощ.
Седенките ся разиждат —
праща Никола дома и
своята мила Гергана,
китка и цвете поиска.
Гергана тихо говори:
— Късно е, либе, за китка:
месечинка си залезе,
а петли не са попели —
време е сега потайно,
грозна, невярна полунощ;
звезди блещукат над нази,
веди прелитат край нази, —
змееве, змейски духове
и самодиви-нощянки,
ще видят, ще ни завидят —
китка ся дава за обич,
кога ся зора зазори;
в зори е китка кръвена,
утре ти китка готова.
Дигни се рано да станеш,
утре на нива да идеш,
на изворът мя почакай,
биволи докат напоиш,
аз с бели менци ще дойда
за прясна вода студена,
ще ти дам китка кичена
от мое чело на твое,
с тебе за мене да бъде…
Черна им честта горките,
черна веда ги подслуша,
подслуша, та им завидя,
на зло ги око мернала,
сторила да ги погуби.
Рано ранила Гергана,
станала, та се умила,
пред икони се прекръсти,
тихо се богу помоли.
Росна е китка набрала
и я на чело забола.
Дига кобилца на рамо,
та си на извор отива;
не сваря тамо Никола,
чай сваря бели чадъри.
Нощя е везир пристигнал,
с войска си тука застанал.
Гергана вода налива,
бели си крака измива.
Везир пред чадър седеше,
гледал Гергана, чудил ся —
чудил ся хубост таквази,
де ся е зела на село.
Гледал я везир, сматрял я
и от сърце я поревнал.
Допраща слуги, вика я.
Везир ѝ дума продума:
— Българко, млада девойко,
що ми си рано ранила
за прясна вода на извор?
— Рано съм, аго, ранила
за прясна вода студена,
по-рано да си ошетам…
Тейко ми, стара стария,
бърза на нива да идем.
— Ходиш ли, млада девойко,
ходиш ли и ти на нива.
да гориш лице снежано,
да косиш ръце нежани?
Ти не си за туй родена,
най си родена, дарена
бяла ханъма да бъдеш,
все по чардаци да ходиш…
Я хайде, бяла българко,
хайде на Стамбул да идем,
дето ще шеташ на други,
други на тебе да шетат.
— Добре съм, аго, аз тука
при старий баща и майка,
мен не тежи ми шетнята.
Откакто съм ся родила,
все тъй съм расла, порасла,
кога по нива, по лозе
на стар бащица на помощ,
кога пък в кьщи да шетам —
на мила майка отмяна.
— Ще дойдеш, бяла българко,
ще дойдеш с мене на Стамбул,
ще дойдеш, друго не бива.
— Жив да си, аго, недей мя!
Как ще оставя баща си,
майка си, как ще замина?
— Туй ли се грижиш и мълвиш?
Не щеш ли и тях да вземем,
да ги заведем с нази си?
— Мили ми, аго, ливади,
свидна ми мила градинка!
— Ливади искай от мене,
все по ливади да ходиш,
каквито искаш градини
и цветя вътре всякакви…
Жално въздъхна Гергана,
умилно дума продума:
— Няма там, аго, по вази,
няма там стени таквизи,
зиме със здравчец обрасли,
лете със сива лиляка;
няма там бяло кокиче,
ни теменужка дъхава
между къдрави шубрачки;
в поля чернока аглика
на всяко рано пладнище,
злат минзухарец в равнище,
ни ален божур в странище…
В моята мала градинка
доста е мене, що имам:
всякакви ружи шарени,
шарени, жълтоалени,
дребен босилчец черночък,
син кремък, жълта латинка,
бял кремък чисто сребърен,
бисерно, росно леденче,
крехка върбица клоната,
стволеста камха рехата,
червем седянко вечерен,
синкави рохли ранници,
карамфил зимен и летен,
ширбой ми кичест ператен
и морав стратул бархатен.
Тез живи цветя няма ги
в вашите, аго, градини!
Там всичко расте насила
и дето расте, там вене…
Хубаво всичко на село,
охолно, аго, на воля!
— Хубава, млада българко!
защо си толкоз глупава!
Склони ти само да дойдеш,
на Стамбул да те заведа:
да видиш де е хубаво,
да познаш що е охолно!
Аз ще заръчам, щом идем,
да ти изградят градини,
каквито искаш, дето щеш.
И ще направя за тебе
в градини нови сараи
със дванадесет капии,
с триста прозорци джамлии.
С миндери ще ги обградя,
с ястъци ще ги обредя,
с дюшеци ще ги постеля,
да седиш на тях, да гледаш,
додет ти видят очите…
— Стамбул е, аго, за мене
тук, дето аз съм родена,
а най-хубави сараи —
там онзи моя бащин дом.
Що ми са много капии,
когато мога от една
да ходя и да дохождам?
Що ми са триста прозорци,
когато мога всякога
от едно само прозорче
да гледам деня слънцето
и вечер ясен месечка
с милиони звезди около!
Какви по-светли сараи
от тез небесни сводове?
Какви по-добри миндери
от таз зелена морава!
— Младо, безумно момиче,
ти еще нищо не знаеш!
Мене повярвай, послушай,
да си намериш късметът:
бяла ханъма да станеш,
злато, коприна да носиш,
в светли хареми да седиш,
жълти жълтици да нижеш
размесом с дребен маргарец.
— Хубаво, аго, жив ми бил.
но аз съм проста селянка,
не ми са драги хареми,
нито свилени премени;
не искам жълти жълтици,
не искам дребен маргарец!
Стига ми това, що имам!
Таз огърлица мъниста
и този плетен косичник…
Най-подир, аго, знаеш ли?
Ако не знаеш, да знаеш:
аз съм се клела, заклела
и клетвата ми вярна е:
Първо ми либе Никола
първо венчило той ще е…
— Колко си проста, безумна!
Та що е твоят любовник
пред мене и пред властта ми?
— Пред тебе, аго, нищо е;
но за мен, знаш ли, всичко е,
воля аз него, та него…
— Волиш ти него, та него! —
отвърна везир сърдито, —
но своя воля ти нямаш,
мойта е воля над тебе;
господар аз съм над тебе —
аз ще ти бъда стопанин…
Гергана дума продума:
На живот ми си господар,
но на волята не ми си;
Без воля стопан ставаш ти
на мъртво сърце студено…
Смая се везир с Гергана;
вярност в любов ѝ почете,
пусна момата свободна
и надари я богато,
после за помен поръча
изворът чешма да стане.
Дюлгери чешма градили,
в село се дума разчуло,
че са Гергана вградили.
Истина било, тъй стана:
залиня мома Гергана,
като лист рано ознобен,
залоша, еще закрея
кат ран босилек в засуха.
Крея Гергана на крака
нещо ми до три месеца,
легна Гергана на дрехи…
Ходи Никола, дохожда,
води и врачки, знахари,
с разни я билки цериха,
от нищо не ѝ преиде.
Година време не сключи,
богу душица предаде…
Сето я село пожали
и всички са ся събрали,
всякой свещица запали…
Моми и венци изплели…
момци и гробник сковали…
От къщи кат я дигнали,
ред я по редом носили,
до тъмен гроб я занесли,
занесли, там оставили…
Никола, верен любовник,
рано ранява у вторник,
та си на гроба отива,
с бял тамян гробьт прекадил,
с руйно го винце попрелял
и вощеница запалил…
Върнал ся от гроб Никола,
но не се върнал дома си;
и до ден днешен няма го…
Счува ся само дълбоко
цафарата му, тъмната,
тъжно да свири и тътне,
кога се вести Гергана,
там на чешмата седнала,
на месечинка да преде.
How to get to the town of Zlatica?
Zlatitsa is a city in Western Bulgaria. It is located in the Sofia region, near the town of Pirdop. The city is the administrative center of the Zlatitsa municipality.
Zlatitsa is located in the middle of the Sub-Balkan Road*.
*Republican road I-6, better known as the Sub-Balkan road, is a first-class road from the Republic road network of Bulgaria with a direction from west to east, crossing the territory of nine districts: Kyustendilska, Pernishka, Sofia region, Sofiaska, Plovdivska, Starozagorska, Sliven, Yambol and Burgas.
Its total length is 508.5 km, which makes it the longest national road in Bulgaria.
Zlatica stands at:
77 kilometers (about 1 hour and 18 minutes by car) from the capital
119 kilometers (about 1 hour and 55 minutes by car) from the city of Plovdiv
441 kilometers (about 5 hours and 28 minutes by car) from the city of Varna
317 kilometers (about 3 hours and 49 minutes by car) from the city of Burgas
32 kilometers (about 37 minutes by car) from the town of Koprivshtitsa
Zlatitsa is located in a mountainous area between the mountain ranges of Stara Planina and Sredna Gora, as well as the connecting ridges of the two mountains Galabets and Koznitsa, in the highest of the Trans-Balkan fields - Zlatishko pole or Zlatishka kotlovina. The climate is moderately continental, with separate influences of cold northern (invading through the Danube plain and the Zlatish Pass) and warm subtropical (invading along the Topolnitsa River) air masses.
To the northwest is the city of Etropole, to the northeast – the city of Teteven, to the south – the city of Panagyurishte, to the east – the cities of Pirdop, Koprivshtitsa, Klisura, Sopot, Strelcha, Karlovo. To the west are the city of Elin Pelin and the capital.
Through the Zlatish Pass and the city of Etropole is the connection with Northern Bulgaria - Botevgrad, Pravets, Mezdra, Vratsa, Pleven.
Through Panagyurishte - to Pazardzhik and Plovdiv.
The most direct connection from Sofia to the sea passes through Zlatitsa.
On the railway line passing through the area, there are the two largest railway tunnels in Bulgaria - Koznitsa (6 kilometers) and Galabets (3 kilometers).
How do you get to the "Gergana" fountain in the city of Zlatitsa?
"Gergana" fountain in the city of Zlatica, inspired by Slaveykov's "Fountain of the White Leg", is located about one kilometer south of the city center on "Medet" street, not far from the last houses, on the road leading to the area of the same name, in the direction the village of Panagyurski colonies and the town of Panagyurishte.
Around the "Gergana" fountain there is a small recreation area, which once sheltered people who stopped or came to drink water from here.
The site is not maintained today.
According to goldsmiths, this is the most representative fountain in the area, or at least it was.
What can you visit nearby?
The city of Zlatica is one of my favorite cities to which I like to return again and again.
In the city center, be sure to have a lot of fun in the "Grandfather's Glove" park.
The old clock tower of Zlatitsa is located very close to the "Grandfather's Glove" park.
From the old clock tower, head towards the northeastern part of Zlatitsa, north of the railway line, where "Stara planina" street is located. Taking it, you will soon find yourself outside the northern outskirts in the foothills of the Balkans, where the rumble will tell you that you are approaching Zlatiski Waterfall.
In the immediate vicinity of the waterfall itself are the stairs that will take you to the chapel of St. St. Cyric and Iulita. The place offers an extremely beautiful view of the entire Zlatiška hollow.
If you continue to the left past the waterfall, you will find yourself at the Ascension Monastery and Spasovo Kladchenche.
Only 9 kilometers south of the town of Zlatitsa (about 11 minutes by car) in the middle of the picturesque Medet Pass in Soschinska Sredna Gora is the "New Kemer" bridge.
23 kilometers south of the town of Zlatitsa (about 28 minutes by car) in the middle of the inspiringly beautiful Sochtinska Sredna Gora at an altitude of 1050 meters on a pass east of Mount Bratiya is the village of Panagyurski Colonies.
Just 10 kilometers east of the town of Zlatica (about 14 minutes by car) are the majestic ruins of the Elenska Basilica, which you should not miss in any case.
Near the ruins of the Elenska Basilica, as a memory of the destroyed Bulgarian monastery, in 2010, the "St. Ilia" chapel was erected and consecrated.
Just 12 kilometers south-east of the town of Zlatica (about 14 minutes by car) is the picturesque Midland jewel of Dushantsi.
Let your walk also take you to the beautiful church "St. St. Cyril and Methodius".
Dušanci is a delightful place in every season! Proof of this are the magnificent photo moments with the wonderful Christmas and New Year decorations, bringing so much delight to our senses!
At the end of the village, be sure to turn left, where an authentic Roman Kufarita bridge awaits you.
Continuing after the Kufarita bridge, the road will take you to the "St. George" chapel above Dushantsi, from where you will enjoy a wonderful view of the entire Zlatiška valley.
The road after the village will take you to the "Dushantsi" dam - magnificent in every season - in autumn, in winter and on the border between spring and summer. Enjoy it!
Only 12 kilometers east of the town of Zlatica (about 14 minutes by car) is the peaceful, green and so beautiful village of Anton.
Very close to the village on the Sub-Balkan road itself is the charming Antonovsky waterfall (also Antonovsky waterfall or the Butterfly).
All the unsurpassed beauty of the Zlatishko-Pirdopski historical region is collected in a single route "Wonders of the Zlatishko-Pirdopski region", prepared by me for you with a lot of love and which is a wonderful idea for the weekend!
All the ideas presented here are completely suitable and doable within a weekend!
Only 32 kilometers south of the town of Zlatitsa (about 37 minutes by car) is the Koprivshtitsa City-Museum Archaeological-Historical Reserve - site number 75 of Bulgaria's 100 national tourist sites.
Near the town, I suggest you visit the impressively beautiful and so charming Koprivshtitsa station.
In Koprivshtitsa, make sure you take the time to visit the Revival Church "St. Nicholas".
A walk through the green pastures around the town of Koprivshtitsa will shake you out of the gray everyday life and positively charge you, and I highly recommend it!
On a vast territory, located between the picturesque towns of Koprivshtitsa and Strelcha, you will find several ancient megalithic sanctuaries - Skumsale, Isara, Kiselitsa, Kulata.
Just 21 kilometers south of the town of Koprivshtitsa (about 25 minutes by car) you will find the charming jewel of Strelcha.
In the town of Strelcha you can enjoy the singing and dancing fountain "The Ballerina".
Don't forget to bow your head near the magnificent temple-monument "St. Archangel Michael", which rises in the city of Strelcha.
Just 32 kilometers east of the town of Zlatica (about 29 minutes by car) you will find the historic town of Klisura.
Only about 70 kilometers northeast of the city of Zlatica (about an hour and 13 minutes by car) you will find the monument "Arch of Freedom", which is erected on Goraltepe peak (1595 meters) near the Troyan pass (Troyan - Karnare pass).
From here you can see incredible panoramic views of Northern and Southern Bulgaria.
Just 57 kilometers east of the town of Zlatica (about 49 minutes by car) is the town of Sopot.
In Sopot, you must visit the "Ivan Vazov" house-museum.
In the city of Sopot, you can visit the charming Sopot waterfalls.
Only 62 kilometers east of the town of Zlatica (about 57 minutes by car) is the town of Karlovo.
In Karlovo, I recommend taking a walk to the Ethnographic Complex "Old Karlovo".
It includes five houses - monuments of culture with remarkable cultural value. These are:
Each of the houses gives birth to its own unique message, which directs the guest in different directions, provokes desires and memories in him, makes him dream.
The integrity of the architectural ensemble is unique and inimitable, and every visitor could feel that great revival spirit that still roams the narrow cobbled streets of "Old Karlovo".
Ethnographic complex "Old Karlovo" is object number 44b of the 100 national tourist objects.
In Karlovo, I recommend taking a walk to the beautiful Suchurum waterfall.
Just 11 kilometers west of the town of Zlatica (about 13 minutes by car) you will find the uniquely beautiful and so arranged village of Chavdar.
Near the village are the uniquely beautiful and easily accessible Kazanite waterfalls - a natural phenomenon of five charming and beautiful waterfalls on the Bererei river, descending from a height of 15 meters, forming a cascade of clear ice water.
In Chavdar, an annual assembly is held on Mount Sveta Petka, which is located above the village. The locality is named after the patron saint of the village, Saint Petka.
The place is not accidental, because the view from it is exceptional. From there you can see the entire Zlatishka valley, even the Topolnitsa river. A chapel "St. Petka" was built there.
Archaeological Park "Topolnitsa" is also located nearby.
And as a finale, my dear friends,
you shouldn't miss a look
the special album with photo moments –
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