Dear friends, this journey will take us to Dryanovo, where together we will cross the bridge of master Kolyu Ficheto.
The remarkable Dryanovo master was born in the distant 1800s. He died at the age of 81. He left us a unique collection of famous works and today's Dryanovo Bridge is one of them.
Dryanovo Bridge is the only bridge created by the master, which has survived in its original form to this day.
How to get here?
Here is the story of the construction of the bridge.
In April 1860, the people of Dryanovo once again wrote a letter to the Tarnovo Kaaza Vekili (or regional representative of the Bulgarians) to complain that the incoming river had again taken away the old, dilapidated bridge.
In the autumn of the same year, master Nikola Fichev was again in his homeland to undertake a third construction within a decade - he participated in the expansion of the church "St. Nikola" in 1851 and in the construction of the Housekeeper's house in 1859.
The master offers two options - wooden and stone. In order to solve the problem solidly, the second one was chosen - after all, this was the road to Tryavna on which the mail was carried.
The bridge is 38.5 meters long and 5 meters wide. There are four arches with openings of different sizes, stepped on three massive stone columns. The highest is the second arch, over which the bridge deck is slightly arched. The bridge columns have water cutters and arched openings above them for the passage of water when the river comes. The pavement of the bridge is cobblestone, and on the sidewalks - slabs that protrude in front of the blocks of arches and railings to form a cornice and emphasize the curvature of the canvas.
In 1877, during the Russian-Turkish War, Russian artillery led by General Gurko crossed the bridge.
The bridge is suitable for people of all ages.
And because it is located in an urban environment, it is also suitable for wheelchair users.
I wish you a charming walk!