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Strandja Nature Park – the largest Bulgarian protected area

Writer's picture: Stefan IvanovStefan Ivanov

Updated: Jan 20

Strandzha is the largest nature park in Bulgaria. It was declared a natural park on January 24, 1995.

"Strandja" is the largest Bulgarian protected natural area, created to preserve the unique ecosystems and biodiversity, as well as to preserve the distinctive Strandja folklore, culture and historical heritage.

The territory of the "Strandja" nature park is 1161 square kilometers and covers central Strandja with access to the Black Sea, which is over 1% of the territory of Bulgaria.

In 1933, it was on the territory of the "Strandja" nature park that the first reserve in Bulgaria - "Silkosia" - was declared.

Strandja Nature Park
Strandja Nature Park

"Strandja" is the only Bulgarian protected area included in the five priority areas for protection in Central and Eastern Europe.

Via Pontica - a flight path of birds over the "Strandja" nature park
Via Pontica - a flight path of birds over the "Strandja" nature park

The second largest flyway of birds in Europe passes over Strandzha - Via Pontica.

Marina Reka protected area
Marina Reka protected area

The total number of habitat type is 121, and according to this indicator the park is in first place among the protected areas in Europe.

Silistar protected area
Silistar protected area

The most famous of them are "Paroria", "Ustie na reka Veleka", "Dokuzak", "Rudenovo", "Silistar", "Krivinizovo", "Moryane", "Kamaka" and others.

The waterfall to the left of "Dokuzak"
The waterfall to the left of "Dokuzak"


The climate of the Strandzha mountain was formed under the influence of the three surrounding seas - the Black, Marmara and White seas.

The strong Mediterranean influence is the reason why the Strandja climate has a transitional Mediterranean character - maximum winter and minimum summer precipitation, without strong droughts and with a higher average annual temperature. In addition, it has a number of characteristic features (a greater amount of precipitation, its distribution, frequent fogs, the influence of cold northeast winds, etc.) that distinguish it from other regions with a transitional-Mediterranean climate.

Silistar protected area
Silistar protected area

The places with the most sunny days in the year for the country are the coastal parts of the park.

Since the mountain has no efficient protection against cold invasions from the north and northwest, sharp colds appear in Strandzha. According to climatic indicators, the extreme (lower) part of the mountain and the inner (higher) part are separated into two separate sub-regions. The distribution of the mixed formation of gorun and eastern beech is like a dividing phytogeographic boundary, with the presence of understory evergreen vegetation of Pontic origin and caluna.

The specific climate and geographical position of the mountain are the reason that only here in Europe many tertiary relict, mainly evergreen plant elements and communities, characteristic of the South Pontic flora of the Caucasus and Asia Minor, have been preserved and survived after the last glaciations.

Relief and soils

The folded, rounded ridges covered with forest massifs form a chain without prominent peaks or bare chukars. Such is the landscape in the area where the periwinkle spreads between the villages of Slivarovo, Vizitsa, Bulgari and Brodilovo. To the west, the mountain is more rugged, rocky and rugged.

The soils of Strandzha Nature Park

Due to the climatic and topographical conditions, various types of soil have formed in Strandzha. Cinnamon forest soils predominate, followed by mountain-specific yellow soils.

Veleka River
Veleka River

Alluvial-meadow, meadow-swamp and peat-swamp soils are observed near the rivers.

Blooming poppies on the dunes of Veleka beach
Blooming poppies on the dunes of Veleka beach

In the Black Sea region, there are separate patches of saline soils, coastal sands, and dunes.

Of greatest interest are the yellow earth podzolic soils, dominated by formations of eastern beech and evergreen pontian shrubs. They are associated with greater moisture retention, both from atmospheric precipitation and subsoil runoff, and from fogs that linger in deep valleys and maintain high air humidity.


The specific climate of Strandzha is the reason why the vegetation has characteristics that distinguish it from European plant formations and bring it closer to the Pontic-Euxine flora of the Caucasus.

West Pontic beech forests
West Pontic beech forests

In Strandzha are the westernmost remains of this flora, on the border of Mediterranean and Central European vegetation.

The flora of Strandzha is a complex conglomerate of plant species of different origin, biological characteristics and degree of evolution with high environmental value.

The forests on the territory of Strandzha Nature Park
The forests on the territory of Strandzha Nature Park

The Mediterranean and especially the Caucasian presence give an exotic character to the forests in Strandzha, which are mainly oak and eastern beech and cover about 80% of the park territory.

Marina Reka protected area
Marina Reka protected area

A large part of them are centuries old, natural, with preserved original composition and diversity. The total number of plant species in Strandzha is about 1,665 species - over 47% of the species of higher plants in Bulgaria. Euxine species give the Strandjan flora uniqueness in a European context. Balkan, Euro-Asian, Central European, Pontic-Central Asian and other floral elements complement Strandzha's rightful place at its crossroads geographical position floristic diversity.

There are 56 endemic species, of which 6 are local endemics - found only in Strandzha or along the western Black Sea coast.

Relict species on the territory of Strandzha Nature Park
Relict species on the territory of Strandzha Nature Park

The Tertiary relics are 63, of which 5 are not found anywhere else in Europe. There are 3 threatened worldwide, 10 in Europe, and another 113 species are recorded in the Red Book of Bulgaria.

Among the most interesting species are: Rhododendron ponticum;

Vaccinium arctostaphylos
Vaccinium arctostaphylos
Quercus frainetto
Quercus frainetto
Lejeune carvifolia
Lejeune carvifolia
Quercus hartwissiana
Quercus hartwissiana
Primula acaulis subs. rubra
Primula acaulis subs. rubra
Daphne pontica
Daphne pontica
Quercus polycarpa
Quercus polycarpa
Carpinus betulus
Carpinus betulus
Carpinus orientalis
Carpinus orientalis
Cistus incanus
Cistus incanus
Ilex colchica
Ilex colchica
Ruscus hypoglossum
Ruscus hypoglossum
Laurocerasus officinalis
Laurocerasus officinalis
Fagus orientalis
Fagus orientalis
Cyclamen coum
Cyclamen coum

The variety of vegetation is amazing – 121 natural and semi-natural habitats have been established, which puts the park probably in first place in Europe.


Invertebrate fauna is poorly studied.

Invertebrate fauna of Strandzha Nature Park
Invertebrate fauna of Strandzha Nature Park

It is estimated that only about 60% of the species found in the area have been identified.

There are 119 endemic species, and 164 that are rare for the country.

As in plants, a large number of Tertiary relics are observed in invertebrates.

16 species are recorded in the world Red Book, and 10 in the European Red Book.

The importance of the "Strandja" nature park is above the European one for the invertebrate fauna.

Fish, amphibians and reptiles on the territory of the Strandzha Nature Park
Fish, amphibians and reptiles on the territory of the Strandzha Nature Park

"Strandja" is the Bulgarian protected area with the richest vertebrate fauna – 261 species. The ichthyofauna includes 40 freshwater and passage fish species.

There are 15 species of great conservation importance, including carp, crucian carp, bream, Rezov carp, river trout, sea white fish, etc.

A large number are relics from the ancient basin that encompassed the Black and Caspian Seas - the Sarmatian Sea. 12 species are recorded in the world Red Book. In the one-kilometer sea strip along the coast, 48 species of fish are found, of which 2 are in the world Red Book.

Herpetofauna in the park is represented by 22 species of reptiles and 10 species of amphibians. Of greatest importance are the four species of land and marsh turtles, raindrops, black-necked shrew, mouse snake, worm snake, leopard snake, spotted snake, yellow-bellied snake, short-legged lizard, Syrian garlic snake, etc.

For the nesting avifauna, "Strandja" with its 124 species is among the most important protected areas for birds in Bulgaria.

The great migration route Via pontica passes over the park, which defines the many migratory species encountered during migration.

Seagulls in flight over the sea

Of the total of 257 species found here, 149 are species of European conservation importance. The nature park is the most important area in the country for the ground kingfisher and gray woodpecker that nest here, and among the most important places for black stork, Egyptian vulture, viper eagle, lesser spotted eagle, golden eagle, little eagle, owl, middle spotted woodpecker, white-throated fly swatter.

During migration, 5 world-endangered species are found in the area - little cormorant, curly-headed pelican, white-eyed grebe, meadow grebe, water grebe.

Because of its worldwide importance as a site for flocking birds during migration and its European importance for threatened bird species, the park was declared a Site of Ornithological Importance in 1997 and a Specially Protected Area by Natura 2000.

54 species of mammals are found in the park. Among them, bats deserve special attention, which are 21 species, all of them included in the world Red Book and the lists of various conventions and agreements. The goldfinch, the wolf, the spotted ferret, the otter and two species of bats are included in the national Red Book.

The otter population in the Veleka River is the best preserved in Europe.

Cultural-historical heritage

Many monuments of spiritual and material culture from previous eras have been preserved in the Strandzha region.

Fragment of a Thracian-domed tomb in the area of Mishkova Niva (IM "Prof. Dr. Alexander Fol" in Malko Tarnovo)
Fragment of a Thracian-domed tomb in the area of Mishkova Niva (IM "Prof. Dr. Alexander Fol" in Malko Tarnovo)

Cultural layers from the Eneolithic and the Bronze Age, the Thracian megalithic culture, antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Bulgarian Renaissance to our most recent history alternate almost without interruption. A key moment in the development of the territory was the era of the Odris-Sapien dynasty, when Bizia (today's city of Visa in Turkey) became the capital of the Odris Kingdom.

Thracian-domed tomb in the area of Mishkova Niva (archive photo from IM "Prof. Dr. Alexander Fol" in Malko Tarnovo)
Thracian-domed tomb in the area of Mishkova Niva (archive photo from IM "Prof. Dr. Alexander Fol" in Malko Tarnovo)

Many mound necropolises and independent tombs belong to the period of the Bizian culture - the 1st century BC, including the domed tomb-sanctuary in the "Mishkova Niva" area.

The sunken settlements in the Bulgarian waters of the Black Sea are also unique.

Ruins of ancient fortress walls of Agatopolis in Ahtopol
Ruins of ancient fortress walls of Agatopolis in Ahtopol

In the adjacent territory of the park, objects of marine origin are located in the bays of Varvara, Ahtopol, Sinemorets, Silistar and north of the mouth of the Rezovska River, which are direct evidence of a developed Thracian civilization with active seafaring, shipbuilding, economic and trade relations, long before Greek colonization.

Today, more than 450 monuments are described within the boundaries of the park, of which 20 dolmens, 24 mound necropolises, 11 independent burial mounds, 2 unique domed tombs, 13 ancient medieval settlements, 17 fortresses, ancient roads, 83 chapels, stolnins and vestments and one historical a place of national importance - the area of Petrova Niva.

A significant part of these monuments are related to the mining developed from antiquity to the present day, as evidenced by the many rupees.

Church "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" in the village of Kosti
Church "St. St. Cyril and Methodius" in the village of Kosti

On the territory of the park there are also 280 architectural and artistic monuments of culture, of which 18 churches, 268 Renaissance houses and 4 historical monuments testifying to the Ilinden-Preobrazhensky Uprising.

Tourist sites

In the village of Brashlyan, Strandja houses from the 18th - 19th centuries have been preserved and have been declared architectural monuments.

The bell tower of the church "St. Dimitar" in the village of Brashlyan
The bell tower of the church "St. Dimitar" in the village of Brashlyan

Here is the ancient church "St. Dimitar", built at the end of the 17th century with a cell school - an architectural monument.

Also of interest is the ethnographic collection, as well as the information and visitor center of the Park Directorate.

History Museum "Prof. Dr. Alexander Fall" in Malko Tarnovo
History Museum "Prof. Dr. Alexander Fall" in Malko Tarnovo

History Museum "Prof. Alexander Fall" in Malko Tarnovo, established on August 23, 1983 as "Strandja Museum Complex" - the result of intensive work in the area under the "Strandja-Sakar" program.

To this day, it is the only cultural institute in the heart of Strandzha Mountain.

The Big Vris and the Small Vris are two fountains located opposite each other in the park in the central part of Malko Tarnovo and are its symbols.

Assumption Church in Malko Tarnovo
Assumption Church in Malko Tarnovo

The Assumption Orthodox Church is located in the center of Malko Tarnovo near the park and opposite the town square. Architecturally, the church is a three-nave basilica without a vestibule and with a belfry attached to the western facade. It is dug into the ground with three steps.

Eastern Catholic Church "Holy Trinity" in Malko Tarnovo
Eastern Catholic Church "Holy Trinity" in Malko Tarnovo

Eastern Catholic Church "Holy Trinity", located in Malko Tarnovo, was built on the foundations of the old church "Holy Petka", dating from 1868.

A Thracian tomb in the Propada area, located 4 kilometers northwest of the town of Malko Tarnovo, is an archaeological monument of culture, a Thracian dome tomb in the Mishkova Niva area - an archaeological monument of national importance.

The bars are of interest to tourists - preserved traditional laundry in natural conditions.

Remains of the fortress city of Agatopolis in Ahtopol
Remains of the fortress city of Agatopolis in Ahtopol

Visitors to Ahtopol can explore the remains of the ancient fortress city of Agatopolis scattered throughout the streets and between the houses.

Indipasha area - an ancient Thracian vow site. It is located 18 kilometers from Malko Tarnovo in the direction of the village of Slivarovo.

Reading at Petrova Niva (archive photos in the "Prof. Dr. Alexander Fol" IM in Malko Tarnovo)
Reading at Petrova Niva (archive photos in the "Prof. Dr. Alexander Fol" IM in Malko Tarnovo)

Historical area Petrova Niva - memorial to those who died in the Preobrazhensky Uprising in 1903, museum collection. It is located 14 kilometers from the village of Zvezdets.

Springs of the Mladezhka River - karst springs, from where a mountain river springs. They are located near the village of Mladezhko. There are caves and remains of an early Byzantine fortress in the area.

Gramatikovo village - a forest gathering with a presentation of the nature of Strandzha.

Bulgari village - the only place where the Nestinar ritual, performed every year on the day of St. St. Constantine and Helena (old style) – June 3.

Protected Areas


  • Silkosia - 396.5 hectares - located near the village of Kosti. This is the first reserve in Bulgaria.

  • Uzunbojak - 2581.5 hectares - located near the village of Slivarovo

  • Vitanovo – 754.5 hectares

  • Sredoka - 607.8 hectares - located in the land of Malko Tarnovo and the village of Stoilovo

  • Tisovitsa - 749.3 hectares - located on the land of Bulgari village

Protected areas

  • Bataka - a natural site of Strandzha oak

  • Bosnia

  • Great

  • Urban environment

  • Dokuzak

  • Natural site of heather (Erica arborea)

  • Krivinizovo

  • The little one

  • Marina River

  • The bear pits

  • Searing

  • Parish

  • Peter's field

  • Rudenovo

  • Silistar

  • Strandjanska periwinkle

  • Strandjanski dabravi

  • Mouth of the river Veleka


  • The building site - est. blue juniper site

  • Kamenska barchina - rock formation

  • Maharata, Sarpia area

  • Locality of Caspian and common terrapins in the area of Nakovo Kladenche

  • A locality of Strandzha false oak in the town of Konadjika

  • Cave and springs of Mladezhka river, Kaleto town

  • Elenina dupka cave

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