With its beautiful authentic Revival era architecture, with its rich cultural past, Tryavna always greets us with "Welcome, dreamers"!
Birthplace of famous masters and the cradle of the urge for church and national independence, Tryavna is the center of the Bulgarian Revival era!
The rich historical past
On July 25-26, 811, in the Tryavna, Varbishki and Rishki passes of the Balkan Mountains, Khan Krum inflicted a devastating defeat on the Romans, killing the Byzantine emperor Nicephorus.
Again here, in 1185, the Bulgarian kings Assen and Peter defeated the troops of Emperor Isaac II Angel in the battle of the Tryavna Pass.
After the famous victory, Tsar Peter resigned from the government, power remained in Tsar Assen I. In honor of the great victory was built the oldest church in the city - "St. Archangel Michael.
In 1798 the church was completely burnt down. Today it has been completely restored and you can bow your head here.
There is a legend that the horses of Asenevtsi grazed on the meadows in the valley below the village of Tsareva Livada. It is said that the name of today's Tryavna village comes from there.
The historic area of Strinava is the nearby plateau.
Here is the legendary historical place where the brothers Asen and Peter were born.
Legend has it that the boyars fleeing Tarnovo settled here and in the surrounding Balkan villages.
Here is the cradle of the oldest of the Revival era art schools - Tryavna.
It includes three main areas of artistic and creative activity: icon painting, woodcarving and construction.
Even today you can see unique masterpieces of Tryavna's architectural heritage - the houses built by master Dimitar Sergyu - Kalincheva House (1830), Dobreva (1834), Sergeva (1841), Raykova (1846), Kireva (1851).
The only preserved in its authentic form Revival era Square in Bulgaria is located here - in the center of Tryavna. The square is named "Captain Grandpa Nicholas".
The most charismatic building on the square with the clock tower is the Tryavna School.
The bridge, along with the clock tower, are unique symbols of Tryavna
The humpback bridge is a vaulted stone "Givgiren (Kivgiren in some sources) bridge", built by master Dimitar Sergyuv in the period from 1844 to 1845.
"Make the Tryavna clock…" - wrote the chronicler of Tryavna priest Yovcho.
Legend has it that in order to obtain permission from the Ottomans to build the tower, Tryavna women had to refuse to wear the traditional headdress, sokay, resembling beautiful royal tiaras.
The clock mechanism was made and installed in 1815 by the Gabrovo masters Kanyu and Genyu Radoslavovi.
How to get here?
I wish you an exceptional and impressive walk!